
This scheme was for the development of two large land parcels on the eastern flank of Angmering. The scheme has been successfully planned to accommodate up to 700 new dwellings.

Each site has now been granted separate outline consents but together form a strategic planned expansion of Angmering nestled between the South Downs National Park and the south coast. Community consultations in local venues and ongoing dialogue with the local authority’s officers were important factors in the schemes’ evolution.

Pro Vision’s masterplanning and urban design skills set was employed to the full to provide a rational and sympathetic insertion of a comprehensive development, encompassing housing alongside employment use in a setting full of open space features.

Key landscape and ecology issues were encompassed to ensure a settlement in tune with its surroundings – ancient woodland, dormice, public footpaths and key views within and without the National Park were carefully accommodated to ensure a solid framework going forward.

Next Case Study

Pamber End – Infill development in countryside near Basingstoke

Pamber End is the development of 11 dwellings on a site in North Hampshire.