
We are promoting approximately 13ha of land off Forest Road, Denmead on behalf of Vivid – a national provider of affordable housing – through the emerging Local Plan, as well as the village Neighbourhood Plan update, which is seeking to find suitable sites for approximately 100 new homes.

The land off Forest Road has been designed to deliver approximately 100 new market and affordable homes, and large areas of new public open space which will provide a safe, walkable route from the village to nearby recreational land which is already owned by the Parish Council, but which is ‘cut off’ from the settlement by any means other than road. 

Pro Vision has prepared a “Vision” document which seeks to consider the constraints and opportunities for development and provides a visual imagining of how it could be delivered. This has been shared with the Parish Council for initial conversations and engagement, as well as submitted to the local planning authority in response to the Regulation 18 stage Local Plan consultation.

Pro Vision’s ecology team has carried out a suite of biodiversity surveys and net gain calculations to underpin the masterplanning process and deliver a truly sustainable green edge to the village which provides a range of benefits to the community.

Next Case Study

Tilebourne – Redevelopment of industrial site for housing

This site near Romsey in Hampshire had been used for a range of industrial, plant hire and storage uses for many years.