North Winchester Farm

Provision’s spotting of an opportunity and the long-term vision of our client was instrumental in the success of this project to secure planning permission for 3 dwellings in the countryside on the edge of Winchester.

In the first instance the local planning authority gave approval for the conversion of a redundant poultry building into 3 dwellings using permitted development rights (Class Q).

Pro Vision was then instructed to prepare a planning application for the demolition of the poultry building and the erection of 3 new dwellings as an acknowledged departure from the usual policy of restraint in rural locations. The reason for this was to provide our client with more certainty over build costs (and land value) whilst offering a more sustainable form of development including enhanced landscaping and more energy efficient construction.

The proposal relied upon the principle of ‘realistic fallback’ whereby significant weight should be given to a proposal when faced with a less attractive alternative which the applicant is likely to implement if the current proposal was to fail.

The local planning authority refused planning permission and Pro Vision submitted an appeal against the decision. 

In dismissing the appeal, the Inspector supported the ‘realistic fallback’ argument which left the door open for an alternative form of development. Pro Vision subsequently negotiated a design with the local planning authority which was approved without fuss or delay. Our client sold the land with planning permission and the dwellings are currently nearing completion. 

Next Case Study

Whitway Farm – Redevelopment of rural industrial site for housing

Whitway Farm was a scheme for two three-bedroom, two four-bedroom and one five-bedroom house on a brownfield site in the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.