
Following promotion of the site through the Local Plan process by Pro Vision, the site became a preferred allocation in the draft Sevenoaks Local Plan.

An Outline application was submitted on behalf of our client, Cooper Estates Strategic Land Ltd, for a development of 340 dwellings, land for a secondary school, land for a community building, land for allotments, new public open space, and creation of a new car park for Edenbridge Town Station.

The site is in the Green Belt, and therefore it was necessary to demonstrate that Very Special Circumstances existed to allow this development.  The Council agreed with us that there was a significant and acute need for housing, and that the provision of market and 40% affordable housing was a Very Special Circumstance.  The Council also agreed that the provision of land for a secondary school, along with other benefits of the development including the ecological enhancements, amounted to Very Special Circumstances to justify granting planning permission.  

Pro Vision masterplanned the development and prepared and managed the planning application securing an officer recommendation for approval.  The scheme was approved by the Planning Committee subject to completion of a s106 agreement.

Next Case Study

Hadlow – Residential development in the Metropolitan Green Belt

This scheme was a development of 101 houses and flats on a site in Hadlow, Kent.